
Our Family’s Glorious Rough Rider

My grandfather (Pearl Royal Kelsey) was a Rough Rider. This was what I was told growing up. So, I have always visualized him charging up San Juan Hill with Teddy Roosevelt during the Spanish-American War. And he never dissuaded the family from this view. Now after looking up his supposed exploits online, I discovered that…


The sun is shining. The day seemed perfect yesterday, but it wasn’t. Oops, there is water leaking on the kitchen counter, and it appears that it could be coming from my upstairs bathroom. Solution: plumber will come tomorrow. Oops #2: Lily, grandchild, just tested positive for Covid, and she spent the night cuddling with Martha,…

Where Has Talking Gone?

Ok, I love to talk. Before texting was invented, I used to have long telephone conversations with my children and grandchildren and nieces. But brief text messages have replaced this. Looking over recent text messages, I see: Bravo!! Awww, Woo hoo, Sounds great, Looks like fun, No idea. Now that I live with my daughter…

We’ve Got the Writing Bug

The writing bug has truly struck our family. Only the men seem to be exempt from this malady. The women have it big time. The latest to be stricken is daughter-in-law Shari with her just-out book Hear & Beyond with co-author Gael Hannan. It is a must read for everyone who has a hearing problem.…

To Dye or Not to Dye

For 51 years, I have been dying my hair with the hope it gave me a more youthful appearance. Then came the Pandemic and isolation for so long. resulting in the white-haired lady that I am now. There is no question that everyone reacts differently to the dyed and undyed me. Here are the pros…

How Have I Managed to Live so Long?

It’s not so difficult these days to reach 65 and get Social Security. More than 16 percent of Americans are living proof of this right now. The moving onward well from 80 is where things really get tougher every year! I am living proof that it can be done with the helping hand of geriatricians…

A Funny Way to Become an Author

It was at the meeting with the advisors for our joint Reading Specialist degree advisors that co-author Peggy of 45 years now told them we were going to sell our research. And so we created a workbook and sent a sample to publishers. Twenty-three of them promptly sent us rejection letters. However, one invited us…

How to Welcome a Daughter-in-Law

We gave our daughter-in-law, Shari, a very unique introduction to our family. On Christmas morning, we all took off for a brief stay in Yosemite National Park. Our daughter, Martha, was driving, and my husband was sitting in the backseat resting his sprained and bandaged ankle on the front console next to Shari. Soon the…

Bat Guano Almost Ruins Christmas

Even though we would fly to Mexico the next day and the children were in college, we decided to put up a Christmas tree on the day before Christmas. I’m still not sure why. But my son and I went up to the attic and hauled down the artificial tree that we had left standing…


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