
Aging Gratefully

Aging Gratefully Is the Way to Do It!!

My blog is for all those who are in their eighties and beyond It is also for all the younger people who will get to be eighty before they know it. I’ll be blogging about what it is like being old today and sharing fond memories of when I was much younger.

I have decided to call my blog aginggratefully, but what choice do we really have when we pass 80? Just think in prehistoric times, you were very old at 30, and it wasn’t too long ago that people were old at 65. However, most of us fortunately can now look forward gratefully to being old and living well for quite a while. And this blog is for you. The oldest person alive today is 122. Just think of living for so long. You could have a great-great-grandchild or even a great-great-great one.

So why am I aging gratefully? It is because —-
– My husband and I enjoyed 65 years together.
– Both of my children are now old enough to be AARP members.
– A grandchild is going to Stanford University, the Alma Mater of 10 family members.
– Modern medicine has kept my blood pressure low at 120/80.
– I can actually walk 7.5 miles in a day according to Fitbit.
– I am still working at the same job that I started 44 years ago.
– Every day is one more day filled with family, friends and fun.

In the coming weeks, you’ll see my blogs on “The iPhone and the Outhouse,” “Great-grandmother and Zorro,” and “The Not So Orient Express Trip”.

Do share here my blog with your friends and tell us why you are aginggratefully.

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